Dear Classical Wisdom Kids,
I hope you are doing well! In case you didn’t catch our postcard from Armenia, covering trains, museums and Australian father’s day, check it out here:
Postcard from… Yerevan
As you can see, the ancient shoe was not disgusting after all!
Please write in your questions and comments to Frida about Armenia! We’ll post them next week. In the meantime, enjoy the postcard replies to Tbilisi, below.
All the best,
Anya Leonard
Founder and Director
Classical Wisdom Kids
Postcard Replies to Tbilisi
Hi Frida & Owly!
Is it pretty there? Do they have ice cream in Tbilisi? How was the museum? Can you try to find paint supplies? Do they have that there?
-Roxy Snow (age 7 - I'm about to turn 8!)
Frida: Yes, there was ice cream and it was great! It was fun to watch them because they were making it by hand on a freezer thingy-thing with fresh berries and chocolate and milk and creme. We went to LOTS of museums in Tbilisi - one was about Neanderthals and that was my favorite. Tbilisi is a big modern city, so they probably have paint supplies. Do you like to draw? What’s your favorite animal? Bye!
Hello Frida & Owly!
Was your cake like a snow world?!
Berry (age 6)
Frida: Not exactly, more like cheesy… but still yummy!!
Hi Frida & Owly,
Have you seen any mummies in Tbilisi?
- Finn (age 7)
Frida: I’m not sure if we saw mummies - but we did see some terrifying skulls! Would you like to see a picture of them?
Hello Frida & Owly,
What is your favorite candy in Tbilisi?
- Kai (age 6)
Frida: I can’t remember any candy… but I do have a random fact about flamingos for you! Their beak is built so the top is smaller and the bottom is bigger, so when they eat upside down it works perfectly. They are also filter feeder! I saw some recently, but I’ll tell you about it in the next postcard.
Hi Frida & Owly,
Why have you been going to the museums?
- Chicken Head (age 9)
Frida: Because museums are fun and I want to write about them… and make videos with Owly. Do you like museums?
Hi Frida & Owly,
How did Zeno's family get rich?
- Antonio (age 9)
Frida: I don’t know, I think they were merchants? They travelled on the seas and traded things. My mom says they had special snails that made purple dye.
Hi Frida & Owly,
Have you seen any status of Zeno or the Stoics in Tbilisi?
-Taylor (age 11)
Frida: No, I don’t think so… but I did go to Pushkin’s favorite bathhouse! At the bathhouse I sat by a steaming hot tub. Pushkin was a famous poet from Russia.
Hi Frida & Owly,
Why were you guys looking at skulls? And why were they all different sizes?
- Hamburger (age 9)
Frida: Ohh good question! Also a hard one. Skulls are interesting and very fun to imagine what they would have looked like. They are all different sizes because sometimes they were different kinds of early humans, like neanderthals, and other times because they are male or female or younger or older.
Hello Frida & Owly,
Did you at least take 100 trains to get there (Tbilisi)?
- Box (9)
Frida: No, to Tbilisi I took a plane from Athens to Tbilisi… but I took a train to Armenia. It was awesome!
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