
Buddhism in the ancient Siamese City

Ossy introduces the Reclining Buddha

Dear Classical KIDS,

The adventure continues… and we have moved up north to the country of Thailand. You may have heard of it because Thai food is so famous (and delicious), but it also has amazing ancient history. In fact, we went to the ancient Siamese capital, Ayutthaya. Owly’s friend Ossy reports from the reclining Buddha above!

Feel free to write in with your questions for Frida and Ossy- they love hearing from you! And we’ll reply in the next postcard.

In the meantime, you can see the postcard questions and replies below to her last postcard from Kuala Lumpur. It includes pictures of beach pigs and the second largest lizard in the world… walking right up to Frida in the street! Check it out below…

Finally, if you didn’t get a chance to read the last one, you can do so here:

All the best,
Anya Leonard
Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom and Classical Wisdom Kids

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Postcard Replies to Kuala Lumpur

Hi Frida, 

I think they built the Petronas Towers by using trained monkeys. The tops look like there is thunder on them. I like those buildings! 

- Finn (age 7) 

Frida: I like those buildings too! They are really pretty. Do you know they look like Siamese buildings because there is one section connecting them. What’s your favorite animal? 


Hello, Hello, Konnichiwa, Hola Frida! 

Did they name the Petronas Towers after Harry Potter? 

It sounds fun not to go to school. What is your favorite place you have ever been? Have you been to Germany? I’ve been there. If you have been, do you think it’s fun? I think it is. Where do you stay when you are traveling the world? Like, do you stay in a hotel? 

What’s the best activity you’ve ever done? Mine are surfing and playing softball. 

- Tiger Lily (age 8) 

Frida: I have not been to Germany, but I think it would be very fun. My mom went when she was 14 and she talks about the great chocolate. Hmm..... chocolate.... Do you like Chocolate? I stay in Airbnbs or hotels. Sometimes we stay with friends or family. 

One of my favorite activities I like to do is an invented game I call, Pet Store. This is how you play it: First, you get a notepad. Then you draw lots of animals and you write their name, how old they are and if they are male or female. Then you can pretend to sell them, and when one of your friends says they want one, you tick it off. That’s the game! Bye!



Hi Frida, 

What are the [Petronas] buildings made of? 

- Abby (age 6) 

Frida: Bricks, glass, metal and maybe some others things that I do not know of cuz I’m not a builder.... But my grandfather was! 

[Upon googling, we find it is made of reinforced concrete, steel and metal - Frida says: Aha! I got it right!]


Hi Frida, 

You have the best family ever! Where do you live? Where do you go on trips?

- Gatecie (age 6) 

Frida: We go to lots of places! I’m sure your family is just the same amount of niceness just in a different kind of way. I live in Argentina most of the time. Where do you live? 


Hi Frida, 

What are all the places you’ve been to on your trips? “Cheeky Monkey” is Australian. I heard it on Bluey. :) 

- Rosalina (age 6) 

Frida: Cool! My dad is Australias and my grandad also calls me a Cheeky Monkey because I eat so many Freddo Frogs (Freddo Frogs are a special Australian chocolate Frog). In total I’ve been to 39 countries. Some of my favorites are: Norway, Greece and Italy


Hi Frida, I like traveling too!

-Your friend (boy- age 6) 

Frida: I’m glad to have another travel friend! What’s your favorite part about traveling? My favorite part is trying the food aaaannnd walking around the places (as well as getting lost!) 


Hi Frida,

What is it like there? Where’s Owly?!


- Gold (age 7)

Frida: Owly is studying in Argentina where we normally live… but now we are in Thailand. Thailand is very pretty. There are lots of pigs on the beach! The piglets were cute…



Just say, “PLEASE STOP monkeys!!”

- Enzo (age 6) 

Frida: Good advice… but I’m not sure Monkeys speak human. It would be cool if they did!


Hello Frida, 

What does your house or hotel look like? When was Socrates born?

- Marcus Aurelius (age 6) 

Frida: Socrates was born around 470 BC, but we don’t know for sure.

We are in a hotel here in Bangkok and the other morning we walked outside the hotel and there was this big sewer or mini canal. I peeked into it and yelled to my mother, “LIZARD! BIG LIZARD!” Apparently it was the second largest lizard in the world… called a monitor lizard. We also saw a baby lizard which crawled out to say hello to us. I was a bit nervous since we don’t know if they are poisonous or not. Fortunately, he eventually walked back into the water.

This is the little one that walked up to us. They have blue tongues!
You can see two swimming here… They are the length of a dog.


Hi Frida, 

How do you start, and create, a YouTube channel? Is it hard? What do you record your videos on? On a scale from 1-10, how fun is traveling? 

-Cash (age 9) 

Frida: I think traveling is 11. To start a youtube channel, it’s not hard - you just need to not show your face in any of the videos and it’s usually more fun to share things. Like, if you have a youtube channel, you can share the things you learnt that day with your friends.

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