
Stoicism for Kids

Building Resilience with Stoic Philosopher Donald Robertson

Dear Classical Wisdom Kids,

Not too long ago, Plato’s Academy Centre and Classical Wisdom held a conference on the importance of Resilience and the use of ancient philosophy to help us handle difficult times in life.

It’s an important topic… for all ages.

As such, we asked kids to send in questions that they would like answered… and what wonderful questions we received! From the serious to the silly, these kiddos gave us spectacular problems to discuss. (Thanks to Elizabeth Smith for collecting them!)

While this video is made for kids, folks of all ages will enjoy this fresh perspective on these ancient topics.

So today, please enjoy this conversation with Donald Robertson, President of Plato’s Academy Centre, Stoic philosopher, Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist and author of the best selling book, “How to Think Like a Roman Emperor”, as we go over how to handle hard situations, Marcus Aurelius and…. bald philosophers.


All the best,
Anya Leonard

Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom Kids

Classical Wisdom Kids is a new project aiming to bring Ancient Wisdom to Future Minds! Subscribe today, or gift a subscription, to help nurture the love of history, philosophy and literature in the next generation:

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