Sep 9Liked by Classical Wisdom

This article gives a misrepresentation of the culture and times in which it evolved. In Ancient Greece, women were not considered "citizens" (or at least not "full citizens" in Athens) and were not included in the "demos," who were land-owning, free men. The status of women was little more than as property; they were considered part of the household and were responsible for child-rearing. The word may have evolved to include "everyone," but in truth even today some "demos" are more privileged than others.

The education of children is important. They need to know where they come from, what ideologies underlie what they are taught and what we have learned from history in order to be prepared for the world in which they live.




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Excellent point - We can do a whole issue dedicated to what was a citizen compared to now. It is an important point to remember.

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