Frida did you really write this story about jealous, pride, and love? Not bad for however young you are. You do have Anya’s wit and writing style!

Have you ever heard about Philemon? He was the famous philosopher and psychiatrist’s Carl Jung’s imaginary spirit who Jung called upon to give him preternatural insight into people and all things in general.

. Who is your Philemon? Owley? Owls are wise and Athena had a white Owl that sat on her shoulder giving her wisdom.

Thanks for your story!

If you remember the story I sent you I call Ruff Says, you may remember that the seven year old girl in the story Grace had her Philemon in the image of her imaginary dog, Ruff.

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That's so funny you say that she has a similar style to me! Joel helps her with these - she dictates and he types (of course giving feedback sometimes on sentence structure and flow) - but I'm not involved at all :D We'll have to talk to her about Philemon!

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Mirror mirror on the wall......

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