
The Parthenon... Reconstructed!

Video from Nashville ~ PLUS Postcard Replies

Dear Classical KIDS,

After so much traveling through Asia, we were excited to return to ancient Greece… in Nashville, Tennessee! Yes, we found the Parthenon… reconstructed. It was super cool to actually walk around it as well as see the amazing sculpture of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war and crafts, inside. She is huge! 42 feet high, in fact!

Watch the video above to learn a little about this amazing reconstruction. Can you see the little Nike on Athena? It’s the size of a full grown man. See if you can find it in the video, along with Athena’s shield (it has a Medusa on it!)

Let us know what you think! In the meantime, check out Frida’s replies to her postcard back in Thailand, below. If you don’t remember the monitor lizard and the piggies, you can see them here:

All the best,

Anya Leonard

Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom and Classical Wisdom Kids

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Postcard Replies

Hi Frida, 

Do you have a dog? I hope you don’t, because that lizard looks like it can eat dogs. Where are you going next on your trip? I like the cat in your video. 

I will talk to you soon! 

- Darlene (age 6) 

Frida: Don’t worry, I don’t have a dog... and the lizards were pretty big! Humans still don’t know a lot about them, as in, we can’t tell if they are poisonous! But I don’t think they eat dogs, because they live in a city and there were lots of dogs walking past. I’m very glad they don’t eat dogs. The place I went to after Thailand was Laos. (You can see that postcard here:)

What’s your favorite animal? 


Hi Frida, 

Were you alive when ancient Greeks were alive? Also, did you see the giraffe Philosopher Donald (Robertson) said they (ancient Greeks) called a “spotted camel” ? 

Have you ever went to New York City? I love the cat in your video! 

- John (age 6) 

Frida: I don’t think I was alive during the ancient Greek times, unless I could time travel? Because I’m just nine. I really liked the spotted camel pictures! I think I’ve been to New York City and I think all the mice there are so adorable. Do you like mice? 


Hi Frida, 

Maybe you should give the monkey a banana next time. Did you like the little piggies? I like the pictures you posted. I like the little baby lizards. 

- Irish Clover (age 8)

Frida: I agree. The baby lizards were adorable. I also like piggies. I wish I could have pet them, but if I did, I think the mothers would get really angry. Next time I see a monkey, I will definitely trade them a banana. Did you know if a monkey steals your phone, you should try to trade it for a banana? 



Hello Frida, 

Is the place you are going to next…is it a surprise? 

My name is Krose (age 8). 

Frida: Well, do you want it to be a surprise? Cuz if you do, then I’ll make it a surprise... but if you don’t, I’ll tell you! 


Hello Frida and wherever Owly is…

I think the little lizards were puddle gators, my dad saw some in Florida. 

I really want to go to Thailand! I think it is really cool. I’m going to a hotel for 4th of July. Are you liking your hotel? 

Talk soon! 

From: Gold (age 7 1/2) 

Frida: I think the lizards were monitor lizards. Did you know they are the second largest lizards in the world? How was your fourth of July? I spent my 4th of July on a boat. 


Hello, Hallo, Hola, Konnichiwa Frida, 

Ya, yes, ja, qui,  si, hai I LOVE chocolate!! Ask your mom if she has tried the German chocolate, Cat’s Tongue (its name translated from German to English). 

I have a challenge for you. Can you figure out the German name of that chocolate? I will send you my results to your pet shop game. 


Tiger Lil’ (age 9) 

Frida: I don’t think my mom tried it. I’ll go ask her (“Mommy, have you tried German chocolate called Cat’s Tongue?” “What? No, I’ve never heard of Cat’s Tongue chocolate.”) And there’s your answer if you read the parenthesis. Are they called Waldbaur? We had to google it. Do you know all those languages?  

Classical KIDS Photos

Many of our awesome Classical KIDS tried out Frida’s pet store game and sent us their photos - check them out!

(If you don’t remember the pet store game, it’s the one where you draw lots of animals and you write their name, how old they are and if they are male or female. Then you can pretend to sell them, and when one of your friends says they want one, you tick it off.)

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